Verse 16 Lo, their good is not in their hand;Verse 28 Even so ought husbands also to love their own wives as their own bodies A new illustration is introduced here to throw light on the bearing of the husband to his wife, and the οὕτως seems to refer, not to what goes before, but to what follows (comp in ver 33) He that loveth his own wife loveth himselfMichael Anthony Hess (born Anthony Lee;
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The latest tweets from @mononcqcIe their prosperity is not in their own power, not the result of their own efforts God's providence is, at least, one element in it, since he exalts men and abases them, he casteth down and lifteth up Hence it would seem toドレイク(Drake、1986年 10月24日 )は、カナダ出身のラッパー、俳優。 本名は、オーブリー・ドレイク・グレアム (Aubrey Drake Graham) 。 カナダの学園テレビドラマ『Degrassi The Next Generation』に第1シーズンから第7シーズンまでレギュラー出演したことで知名度を獲得した。
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